Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So I have recently found two new "obsessions"....

1- CLEANING CARPETS- I know that sounds really weird but its true!! Some of our good friends Todd and Kuli let us try theirs out and Im hooked!! Honestly I always thought of myself as a relatively clean person .. I always "tried" to get justin to take his shoes off in the house and It seemed like I was vacuming constantly!! After I used the miracle machine I have never been more disgusted in my life!!! The water was so dirty!! I did each room in the house twice and honestly I'm kinda gettin the itch to do it again!:) At the end I loved watching all the yucky dirt being sucked out of my house!!! I now know what I want santa to bring me!! (thanx kuli)

2- Ok .. I have to get real .. I will never be "obsessed" with exercizing but I found something I really like!! For the longest time I was so board with all my exercizing videos - I had them all memorized! I have always wanted to be able to join a gym but since i live too far away i really needed something to get me motivated agian. I ran across this video for post-prego's and i had to get it! The first week of doing it my stomach was SO sore i honestly couldn't laugh, bend, talk etc :) Justin kept callin me a baby so I made him try it and i think i got just as good a work out laughing at him. He was cryin the whole time.. he didnt even make it through half the ab section. I havent used it too long yet but i would recomend it to anyone.. even if you havent just had a baby. I am not a pro at exercizing but I have never had a better ab workout!!


Krystin said...

i would buy the dvd if i could look like her! i'm GOING to start Barry's Bootcamp.... I saw this whole infomercial on it and it hooked me into buying it. we shall see if it really works! Good luck with yours!

kh said...

Jan, please do not work out! There will be nothing left of you! Hee hee. But it's true. Why don't you send that video to your phat cousin in AZ? She could TOTALLY use it! (wink!)

Oh and you would DIE if you saw my carpets!!!